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The Myth of Writers Block: Why it is Just an Excuse for Laziness

Cover Image for The Myth of Writers Block: Why it is Just an Excuse for Laziness

As a professional writer, I hear it all the time: "I have writer's block." And let me tell you, it's all just a bunch of excuses. Because the truth is, there's no such thing as writer's block.

Excuse #1: "I Can't Think of Anything to Write About."

Oh really? Nothing at all to write about? Not even that time you got lost in the supermarket for three hours? Or that weird dream you had where you were a superhero fighting off evil dust bunnies? Come on, folks. The world is full of inspiration. All you have to do is look for it.

Excuse #2: "I'm Just Not Feeling Inspired."

Inspiration, schminspiration. You think I feel inspired every time I sit down to write? Of course not. Writing is a job, just like any other. Sometimes you're not going to feel inspired. But that's no excuse for not doing your job. Just put your fingers to the keyboard and start typing. You'll be surprised how quickly inspiration strikes.

Excuse #3: "I'm Waiting for the Perfect Idea."

Spoiler alert: there is no perfect idea. You're never going to come up with something so brilliant that it writes itself. So stop waiting for the perfect idea and just start writing. Even if it's terrible, at least you're making progress. And who knows? Maybe that terrible idea will turn into something great.

Conclusion: Stop Making Excuses.

So there you have it, folks. The myth of "writer's block" debunked. Stop making excuses and start writing. Who knows? Maybe you'll surprise yourself.